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Kdo kaj služi z delnicami?

Kdo kaj služi z delnicami?

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redtech ::

"Cone" imaš po vsem svetu.

No VAT: Anyone investing in platinum in Europe saves money again, because on BullionVault your purchases do not incur Value Added Tax (VAT). This is charged at 15-27% across the European Union. But the tax authorities recognize BullionVault as part of the professional market, because we are associate members of trade body the London Platinum & Palladium Market (LPPM). This enables us to deal physical platinum with you free of VAT, provided the metal stays inside the secure vaulting arranged on your behalf. You still own your metal outright. But the VAT only becomes payable if you choose to withdraw your platinum out of the vault.

Če slediš povezavi imaš na strani 20 matrico davka.

Galmarley Limited (BullionVault) Associate Member

GregiB ::

Se da v Excelu (MS Office 365) nekako pobrat vrednost delnice na LJSE?
You're not stuck in traffic.... You are the traffic!

chrush ::

A bi rabil za vse delnice ali samo za eno? Rabis trenutno vrednost, ali vrednost ob koncu dneva? Preprican sem, da se da s powershellom. Sicer pa ti mogoce pomaga ta link: https://nanonets.com/blog/scrape-data-f...

GregiB ::

chrush je izjavil:

A bi rabil za vse delnice ali samo za eno?

V bistvu za eno... Excel 365 ima varianto "poskrejpat" podatek z weba (Data -> Get data -> From web) a moraš vedeti, kaj iskati, kje je podatek, z drugimi besedami...
You're not stuck in traffic.... You are the traffic!

chrush ::

Mogoce ti bo lazje, ce poberes ceno iz https://www.investing.com/equities/luka... Tu je primer za luko koper.
Nimam office 365, da bi ti lahko bolj natancna navodila dal.
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