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Doom III

Doom III

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Tr0n ::

Ehm, WTF?

Ti raje URL pastaj :).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Ahiles ::

Ahiles ::

Splash Damage Moving On 15 Comments
19:33 PST | Cyric
Splash Damage, the london based game studio that worked on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and contributers to the multiplayer maps for DOOM III are looking for people to help out on a new project. Their job page says that because of the continuation of their successful collaboration with id Software and Activision, they are moving forward and have started production of a new full game based on the cutting-edge Doom 3 engine. Does this mean they are done with the DOOM III multiplayer maps? I sure hope so.



Tko da zgleda da so koncal z MP mapami zdej jih more vrjetn ID sam se mal playtestat pa pofixat.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Ahiles ::

Najvecja nemska doom3 stran se je odlocila za stavko doom3.ngz-network.de Vec si lohka preberete na njihovi strani in forumu (nemscina) tuki bom pa sam pastu odprto pismo ki so ga poslal iD.

Hier der offene Brief an Todd Hollenshead:

Respected Mr. Hollenshead,

the following letter reflects the current feelings of the DOOM 3-community. We would be very pleased if you could read through carefully till the very end and give it a thought.

We, the representatives of the biggest German DOOM 3-community, want to protest against the policy of id Software towards their fans. The intention is to achieve this by temporarily closing our fansite – www.doom3maps.de.

One of the key causes for taking this step were the screenshots that were both published by the German print-magazine “GameStar” and the American “ComputerGamingWorld”.
It is not only us, but the whole DOOM 3-online-community cannot understand why these two magazines solely received the permission of releasing these pictures in their print-magazines. Apparently, these two magazines didn’t understand the regulation themselves as otherwise these screens would not have popped up at their websites. From our point of view there is no comprehensible reason for depriving a large number of DOOM 3 fans from seeing screenshots of the game that represent the game pretty well. One also has to consider that there are DOOM3 fans all around the world who do not have access to these magazines. We do consider the fact that magazines would like to have material of a coming top-game exclusively. However, we cannot understand why we (fansites) are prohibited of sharing this material with fans around the world even after the period of exclusiveness has endsed, the magazines have posted the screens on their websites and have released their next issues.

Besides, our other complain is the lack of interaction between id Software and their fans. There is no support of fansites. Isn’t id Software interested in winning literally hundred thousands of new fans over? Much to our regret we must inform you that you are more and more distancing yourself from the pulsing online-community, thus the gap is becoming bigger and bigger.

Therefore, we’d concordantly like to kindly ask id Software to treat the fans with respect and to explain certain decisions at least through an employee of Activion. Currenlty, neither from id Software, nor from Activision there is any support for DOOM 3-fansites.

We hope that through our tie-up we can draw id’s attention to this issue, may it be only for some respect or heed. This would be more than the last few months. As being fans, we believe in your competence and think that you’ll be able to accept some negative feedback. After all, it was us, the fans, who established this whole community and are the roots of it.

With hopes of a better cooperation and kind regards,

Moritz Reinhold, on behalf of the DOOM 3-community

Bearbeitet von Major Fleischer am 07.02.04, 00:07

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Tr0n ::

Hmm, kaj ni bila id politika vedno taksna? Zelo dozirano in pocasno izdajanje novih informacij, potem pa kr naenkrat "goes gold" mania? :)

Ahiles ::

V vecini ja sam JC je na case mal veckrat plan updejtal pa ksne zanimivosti povedu(nehu je bit geek k se je pred leti porocu ;))

Tr0n ::

So dobili odgovor, ki sem ga pricakoval :).

"Perhaps you are venting frustration and you will feel differently in a month or two."


Aggressor ::

Problemčič je v tem, da se id dobro zaveda, da bo folk špilal in modal Doom ne glede na to, ali bo id priljubljen ali ne.

Tvrdke, ki šele skup klepajo fanbase, so neprimerno bolj naklonjene stikom s skupnostjo, kot pa uveljavljene, katere se bolj skrivajo za svojo etiketo famoznosti.

MrX ::

Tr0n ::

Ahiles je zadevo preveril in je baje alfa mogoce s kaksnimi user-made mapami.

Ahiles ::

Stvar je 100% alfa z home made instalerjem parimi custom mapami prilozenimi(41.09 drajverji) pa se par programov al kva ze za cfg stelat etc crap torej.

Se readme ne vrjet temu kar pise JC ni mel pri temu nc zravn.


Packaged By : MULDERLAND
Release Date : 2/8/2004
File Name : doom3beta2.exe

- 8/15/2002 : DOOM III ALPHA 0.0.2
Doom III was leaked from the E3 by ATI. There was many bugs, and only 3 maps.
- 11/8/2003 : DOOM III BETA 1
We released this first beta, including patchs given by John Carmack. Nice Setup.
- 02/8/2004 : DOOM III BETA 2
This version contains all patchs, the DoomConfig, many new maps, a nice setup
and NVidia Drivers 41.09 for GeForce Users (to solve the problem of the grey screen).

Run doom.exe
Then, you're in the console.
You can launch all maps you want.
Enter (ex): map e3/e3_1
This command will run the file e3/e3_1.map
List Of All Maps :
E3 2002 Map 1 (e3/e3_1.map)
E3 2002 Map 2 (e3/e3_2.map)
E3 2002 Map 3 (e3/e3_3.map)
DOOMED Map 1 (Doomed/Doomed_1.map)
DOOMED Map 2 (Doomed/Doomed_2.map)
DOOMED Map 3 (Doomed/Doomed_3.map)
Bathroom (fred/e3bathroom5.map)
Bigbox (johnc/test_bigbox.map)
Credits (johnc/credits.map)
Empty (empty.map)
Intro (e3/intro.map)
Multimap (e3/multimap.map)
Onan (onan/onan.map)
Ouch3 (ouch3.map)
Enjoy this new beta... ;)
Thx to doomed's creator. Yours maps are fun :P

We're only Doom Fans !
We're waiting for Doom III !
We'll buy it !



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

AtaStrumf ::

Teli še angleško komaj znajo: Version History | This version contains all patchs, Itaq da je fake. Vsaj to bi bilo pravilno spell-ano (copy/paste-ano kot so tovrstne informacije ponavadi v teh nfo/readme-jih), če bi bilo kaj resnice na tem.

BaRtMaN ::

Zdi se mi, da so Nemci. Še malo reklame za Id ne more škodit. :P

Ahiles ::

No par novih slik vse nej bi ble iz X-boxa tko da je kvaliteta mal slabsa pa vecina so scani.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

Mr.B ::

Nekje sem prebral da je kao 15.marec dan Doom 3 izida ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Fury ::

jest sem pa nekje prebral, da je ne vem ker november 2003 datum izida ;)

Ahiles ::

Nekak ne more bit 15.mares ker to je like 15 dni stran pa spil se ni gold ponavad traja vsaj 3-4 tedene ko je spil gold da izide. In iD bo uradno dal press relise da je su spil gold ko bojo fertik.

Gandalfar ::

ja no.. mogoce pa do bozica ze bo...

komi cakam, da bo doom3 prsu 3 mesce prej za xbox ven :>

Ahiles ::

Evo tuki so Hi-Res komplet scani celga clanka iz Gamepro Revije. Veselo branje

Nah vrjetn bo cez ksn mesec 2 relise. Neki govorijo okol 15 aprila sam to se zmeri ni nic uradno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()

Hanzo ::

Kukr se js prov spomnim je blo napovedano za Marc :| ...vglavnem pred E3 bo sigurn zuni :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Hanzo ()

Ahiles ::

Jah ce un clank preberes notr pise da bojo relisla spil sele ko se jim bo zdel da je zabavn za spilat in nic prej pa tud ce ga bojo mogl se za 1 let prestavt. Sam vrjetn bo kr kmal aprila, maja (marca 100% ne bo).

Tr0n ::

Ah, jaz sem ze zdavnaj opustil napovedovanje izida. Jeseni bodo ze 4 leta, kar je definitivno prevec za en spil, ki ga bos po napovedih koncal ze v kaksnih 5-10 urah. V tem casu bi lahko JC napisal ze nov pogon, kot pa da se ze 3 leta s tem zezajo, ki je bil koncan ze zdavnaj.

AtaStrumf ::

Mah Doom III in HL2 mi že obadva smrdita! Mal poglejte Painkiller-ja. Špil bo zunaj sigurno pred D3 in HL2 pa še lepši in bolj zabaven bo :D! Tole predolgo čakanje in non stop prestavljanje vsaj meni zasrje špil, ker pol preveč pričakuješ in si valda razočaran. Painkiller je pa udaril kot strela iz jasnega in totalno rula. Pa ne vem če veste, ampak baje so ga skup dal eni Poljaki. In your face, iD and VALVe >:D.

Ahiles ::

Hehehe painkiler pa graficno ni dlih na nivoju D3 in HL2 grafika je bol podobna Q1 (ogl seveda).

AtaStrumf ::

Q1 8-O, yea right! A si sploh igral Painkillerja Ahiles? Grafika je odličen kompromis med lepoto in hitrostjo in to je nekaj kaj hudo pogrešam med novejšimi špili. Namečejo noter ene bedne efekte, pa grde texture k za nikamor ne zgledajo, špil pa šteka v 3 p.m. Raven Shield recimo, pa Splinter cell, Far Cry, Jedi Academy, Mafia, Knights Of The Old Republic, Race Driver, Deus Ex 2, ...[ne veljajo vse pripombe za vse špile] Dobri primerki so pa Warcraft3, May Payne 2, Vietcong, XIII, POP The Sands Of Time, Hitman 2, Call Of Duty, Aliens Vs. Predator 2, delno Halo in seveda Painkiller.

Pri špilih je glavna igralnost, ne grafika, ki mora biti čim boljša, a ne sme zaradi nekega učinka zavirati igre in to ravnotežje je očitno precej težko najti, saj je totalno preveč iger, ki jih grafika bremza, pa še grda je povrhu.

Qvake so bile do sedaj dobre v smislu tega ravnovesja, tako da upam, da bo Doom 3 tudi, HL 2 bo po videnem sodeč tudi uspel obdržati to ravnovesje, ampak saj kaj drugega niti ne gre pričakovati od firm takega kalibra. Moti me predvsem to neskončno dolgo čakanje, da te pol že mine vse preden dobiš zadevo v roke. To se mi je zgodilo recimo z Halo-tom. Ni slab špil, ampak mi je čakanje tolk dosadilo, da se mi ga ni dal kaj dost igrat ko je končno prišel.

Ahiles ::

Sem spilu in me je spominju na q1 edin kar je blo drugace je bla fizka pa se tista je bla like 200% pretirana jih je odnesl 20m v zrak in podobno. Sem skaku po unih grobovih (pac probavu razne finte jumpe etc) sem se zataknu za vsak drug kamnck in sem rabu 5 min da sem vn splezu.

Ce bi drzala stvar da je igralnost najbol vazna potem bi se zmeri doom1 in podobne spile spilal. Grafika je ena najbol pomembnih stvari v spilu poleg igralnosti. In na jetra mi gre k folk joka da mu spil steka na 2 let starem racunalniku. "Ce neces upgrejdat ne spili pa si kup x-boxa".

Za moje pojme se stvari se prepocas razvijajo Edina gonilna sila je iD oni morjo zmeri prvi barijerjo preckat da si druge firme upajo sledit.

Aja pa ne mesi slabo optimizirane pogone z crap grafiko z dobro optimiziranimi.

DX2 je odurno grd za tolk kot steka( se DX1 je bol lepsi za moje pojme)

Halo dobr spil??? To je en najvecji drek od spila kar sem jih v zadne 5 let probu se do konca nisem mogu pridt k je bil tak crap pa sem raj dol ruknu z diska pa sem ene 90% FPS spilov dokoncal k so izsli v zadne 5 let. Je se en slabsi spil eno nadaljevane sam se ne spovnem imena vec tisto sem zbrisal ze po prvi mapi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Tr0n ::


id Software se je ze drugic prodal. Najprej Microsoftu, sedaj pa se nVidiji.

Verjetno ne mores kritizirat podjetja, ker sluzi dodaten denar.

Doom III - They Way It's Meant To Be Played

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Tr0n ::

Ahiles ::

HM zdi se mi da doom3 le ni tako blizu.


Full Plan:
Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!

Name: Todd Hollenshead
Description: CEO
Last Updated: 03/03/2004 15:58:00 (Central Standard Time)

Just a reminder to everyone that the official release date for DOOM 3 is "when it's done".
If you hear a release date from _anyone_ outside of id, then you should presume it to be false.
There have been some rumors floating around about this already, and I expect there will be more
between now and the time that you first see someone from id update a .plan file with the news
that the game has been finished. Don't believe them.

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

QuakeCon 2004 Announced.

“QuakeCon is the Woodstock of gaming, with thousands of fans from around the world coming together for 4-days of non-stop competition, parties, and just hanging out with friends,” said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “QuakeCon attendees expect the biggest and best -- they won’t be disappointed. There simply is no equal.”

Ce bi bla zadeva bolj blizu, bi se mogoce sel.

Tr0n ::

Ahiles ::


Aside from these matters, Carmack reconfirmed Doom 3 is "really close; we'll be shipping it really soon now," whilst also commenting on the sea-change in id's dev process, using multiple developers on the project, meaning "there are source files in Doom 3 I've never opened!" Carmack also stated he believed graphics on a par with the CGI found in Return of the King would be achievable in videogames in ten years.


# To get this out of the way first, no new Doom III footage was shown and Carmack said the game was "pretty close" to release.
# Carmack confirmed that id is already thinking about their next first person shooter project after Doom III is due. Unlike Doom III, which is in its fourth year of development, Carmack said their next game is only supposed to take a couple of years to make, mainly due to the fact that they don't plan to make a huge graphical leap as they did from Quake 3 Arena to Doom III.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Ahiles ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()

Tr0n ::

Hmm, torej bodo testirali Doom3 pri razlicnih hardware konfiguracijah?

Ahiles ::

Slika je zrcalna vrjetn un k je skeniru ni dlih znal al kva.

Nevem dlih kva AK pa M16 delata zravn.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

Ahiles ::

Zanimivo branje.


HomeLAN - What hints can you give us about some of the surprises in store for players when they get their hands on Doom 3?

Todd Hollenshead - Now it won't be a surprise if everyone knows it's coming! Without giving everything away, I'm sure that people are underestimating how truly frightening the game really is and how well the story is integrated into the game. We still haven't shown several of the really nasty demons in the game, and people are going to go nuts over them. There are some cool secrets and many nods to the original DOOM that are integrated into the game in such a fashion that they are fun but don't take away from the atmosphere. And look out for the plot twist!

HomeLAN - What can you tell us about plans to release a demo of Doom 3 for the PC, if any?

Todd Hollenshead - Our mission in life is to get the PC game done, so we're not going to have a demo prior to going "Gold". Once "it's done" we will work on getting a demo out as soon as we can.

HomeLAN - Will Doom 3 be playable in PC and Xbox form at this August’s QuakeCon?

Todd Hollenshead - The PC game will be released this summer, but I don't know if the release will be before or after QuakeCon. I expect that we will work with Activision to have the Xbox version playable there, even if it's basically the same part of the game that was playable on the floor at E3.


root ::

This is the day we all have been waiting for. Activision England finally confirms the offical release date for the next blockbuster game from id Software .
Read more for date and price(its not the cheapest game you've seen).

"DOOM 3: The Legacy". It's going to be release on June 14th 2004!

DOOM 3 is going to be released in the USA and Europe at the same time. You have to pay around 59,99$ or 52,99€.


]Fusion[ ::

Več kot 13 000 SIT za igro!!! 8-O
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ]Fusion[ ()

Gandalfar ::

Kul, pa lepo cd-key za on-line spilanje pa bo spet cel zur z iskanjem neuradnih streznikov :>

Ahiles ::

root nazalost je tisto "offical" iz riti debelega prodajalca z IQ 10 povlecen.

Tko da uradn datum je se vedno when is done(enkrat polet).

Tko da prosim da nehate te datume pastat tokler ne boste mel uradnega planupdate od iD al pa uradne novice na activision home page kjer majo ZARES uradne napovedi.

Ostali datumi so sam za nategovanje folka in prodajo pre-oder paketov in vsak mesec je ene 10 takih datumov zadne 2 leti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Highlag ::

Ja res očitno je Activision.de novico demantiral.

Bo zgleda treba počakat več kot 2 tedna na izid
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window

Sydk ::

Sem probu Beta 2 verzijo z vsemi nekimi dodatki in updati , in je resolucija zaklenjena na 640x480 ali 800x600 nisem preprican, uglavnem nizka resolucija (ceprav tudi v taki grafiki špil tece slabse kot pa far cry:)) ) verjetno ker je še beta? A kdo ve kako povecat resolucijo?

Špil kot špil je pa precej dolgocasen (razočaran), ok vzdusje že grozljivo, osvetljava je cool, samo tipo reperatira orozje ene pol ure, da ga umes skinejo kot za šalo malo:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sydk ()




3.8.2004 !!!!!! še 5-6 tednov

Ahiles ::

Ahiles ::

AtaStrumf ::

Torej je Doom 3 končno res končan. Kakšni so kaj vaši občutki? Mene je med čakanjem vse navdušenje minilo. Resno, ne vem, če se mi je pulz dvignil za 1 utrip na minuto ob pogledu na Doom 3 CD-je. Bolj me skrbi kolk dolg se bo to dol vleklo in če bo tudi DVD verzija >:D.

Tr0n ::

Zadnja slika je fan art ( link). Drugace pa - it's about fucking time!

Tr0n ::

Se ena fake slikica :).

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