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oo7 ::

Igra naj bi izšla enkrat letos samo za PC.

Routine is a first person horror exploration game set on an abandoned Moon Base. Your job is to find enough information to uncover the truth behind the strange disappearance of everyone stationed on the Lunar Research Station.


 A non linear experience lets you explore any part of the fully open Moon base and find out secrets other players may not!
 There are no health packs or multiple lives, in Routine there is a Perma Death system that will keep you on the edge!
 Be immersed with Full body awareness, Deadzone aiming, no HUD, no health bars or points system… you must run, hide and survive!
 An 80′s vision of the future that presents itself in audio and visuals!
 Randomized environmental hazards, AI locations and useful aids.
 Find floppy disks to upgrade your Cosmonaut Assistance Tool that will directly affect how your weapon reacts.

Routine Teaser Trailer

Routine Gameplay Trailer

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

medenko ::

tak tip iger se rabi več.

vostok_1 ::

Penumbra in space?


oo7 ::

No končno nekaj novega o tej igri :D

Igra izide Marca 2017

Tukaj je še nov trailer :)

Routine - Release Date Trailer

scipascapa ::

končno :)

medenko ::

škoda, ker ne bo za PS4?

oo7 ::

medenko je izjavil:

škoda, ker ne bo za PS4?

Zaenkrat je potrjeno samo za PC

scipascapa ::

že kaj novega?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

že kaj novega?

Napovedan je izid za Marec 2017 ampak zaenkrat tišina. Imajo še 10 dni časa potem je pa konec Marca.

oo7 ::

Manjša zamuda

Its March, and as our Release Date Trailer revealed a while back, it is release month!
When we last made an Update in October, we talked about how we could rush a release date of December 2016, but wanted to have a few extra months to really make sure that the game was polished and felt like something we could be proud of releasing, so we came up with a March Release Window.

That extra time has been invaluable to the project, and as things were being put into a final release state (Sound, Animations, Gameplay) we felt a great amount of joy and satisfaction in seeing everything in Routine really come to life. However, there was one thing we never felt clicked, and that was one of our paths.
Routine has always had two ways to progress through the game, each with their own unique endings, but we never quite knew how they would feel until the game content & experience was really polished up and playable as one solid, consistent, experience.

We made the call at the end of January that our second path was just not as strong as the other. If you follow us on twitter you may have noticed over these last two months that we've been very inactive, and the reason has been that we've just crunched like crazy to try and hit that March Release date. It's looking like we just can't do that, there are still a few things that require our attention. You have waited almost 5 years for Routine, and we want to make sure that what we give you in the end is nothing short of the best we can give you. We're genuinely sorry to announce this small delay, but we feel like the last thing we want to do is disappoint all of the people that given us their love, support and kindness, by releasing something that didn't feel complete.

We only get to release Routine once, and we want to make sure we do it right. We don't expect the delay to add more than a month or two and when we next update, we promise to finally give you a clear release date with a game that we are proud of.

Once again from the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for your patience and support.
-Lunar Software


oo7 ::

Igra naj bi izšla decembra 2016 pa so potem marca rekli, da rabijo še mesec dva no od takrat pa čista tišina.

Malo prehitro so dali ven Routine Realse date trailer :) ljudi zanima kje je igra kaj se dogaja :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

krneki ja.

mrtvo tole?

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

OMG ne morem verjet :O

ROUTINE - Re-Reveal Game Trailer

Sem bil 100%, da je tale igra mrtva. Razvijalci igre se niso nič oglašali več let zdaj kar naenkrat pa BUM :O

oo7 ::

Igra je bila prvič najavljena leta 2012.

Izšla naj bi originalno izšla leta 2014.

Nov izid igre je bil potem december 2016

Nato nov izid igre je bil leta 2017.

2017 so rekli, da rabijo še nekaj časa nato je sledil popolni mrk 5 letih vse, do danes.

Tukaj je odgovor studija zakaj so ostali tiho toliko časa - https://lunar-software.squarespace.com/...

Gregor P ::

Opis igre me malo spominja na Alien Isolation.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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