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The Forest

The Forest

oo7 ::

Release Date: 2014

As the lone survivor of a passenger jet crash, you find yourself in a mysterious forest battling to stay alive against a society of cannibalistic mutants. Build, explore, survive in this terrifying first person survival horror simulator.

Enter a living, breathing forest with changing weather patterns, plants that grow and die. Tides that roll in and out with the day/night cycle. Below ground explore a vast network of caves and underground lakes. You will need to chop down trees to build a camp, or start a fire to keep warm. Scavenge food and plant seeds to keep yourself from starving. Build a small shelter or a large ocean side fortress. decorate your home with found items. Lay traps and defenses to keep a safe perimeter. Explore and build during the day. Defend your base at night. Craft weapons and tools. Bunker down during the evening or bring the fight directly to the enemy.

The Forest - Gameplay Trailer

The Forest Trailer 3

bzzero ::

Na steamu je trenutno za 15€ kot early access. Igra je za moje pojme (kljub trenutnim bugom) nekaj najboljšega, kar sem si kdaj dal na računalnik - sploh ker je to indie zadeva. Ob releasu se jim je sicer sesula opcija shranjevanja v igri, za kar pa obljubljajo hotfix asap. Upam da je ne pokvarijo s pretiranim dodajanjem opcij.

Toplo priporočam. Best 15 euros I've ever spent.

bzzero ::

Meh, ko sem pisal prvi post, je bil hotfix dejansko že zunaj 8-O....

Hey Everyone, Here's our first small update to 'The Forest'. While we were working on the saving issues we also had a chance to fix a few other things. Here is the changelog for the "hotfix":

Saving at small shelter now works
Fixed issue where camera would spin during plane crash if a controller was plugged in
Fixed enemies sometimes disappearing after a few days
Improved tree collision
Fixed log cabin floating
Fixed some leaves not connected to trunk
Improved stuttering/performance
Removed lights from blue cave creatures
Fixed trees vanishing when exiting caves
Fixed bug where cave sounds could be heard above ground
Spelling mistake on shelter 'warmth' in book
Improved collision in some cave areas
Fixed missing cliff detail texture
Ocean shouldn't loose render texture on start
Water visuals improved
Fixed enemy head duplicating when picked up
Fixed glitch where you could make infinite flare guns
Fixed enemy head icon not centered, and showing an arm instead of a head
Heads/arms and legs now go to inventory instead of being directly equipped
Bird on hand does not appear as often

Leprechaun ::

Sem jo kupil pred dnevi, vendar je še nisem preizkusil saj na ATI 4770 ne deluje nad 25 FPS (niti pri najnižjih ločljivostih), tako, da sem obstal pri začetni instanci ob letalu. Med podiranjem drevesa me je namreč nek domorodec pospravil :).

Zgodovina sprememb…

lonewolf_ ::

Legenda game! Bom moral kupit :D Čeprav me je nek mutant v jami pospravil takoj... Moram natuhtat še malo več
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

Kaj ::

Današnji in včerajšnji dan sem preživel ob igranju te igre.
Tematika igre me je takoj prepričala.
AMPAK, v igri po dveh dneh igranja ne vidim več ničesar zanimivega. Sem kaj spregledal ali pač le nadaljuješ igranje v tem tempu? -duhomorno nabijanje v drevesa, nabiranja kamnov in vej, da si kaj zgradiš, ubijanja in peke zajcev in želv, le da preživiš. Preživiš in ne doživiš ničesar več pa prav tako, če imaš le malo kočico ali celo utrdbo z gredami in zbiralniki. Ljudožerci prihajajo v istem tempu ves čas?
...na začetku sem videl, da (ti) odvlečejo nekega otroka iz strmogljavljenega letala. Je glede tega v igri kakšen cilj, da ga poiščeš, se namnožiš, okrepiš, iztrebiš te čudne pojave iz hoste ali pač le to da živiš (kar kmalu postane simpl, ko maš bajto) in debilno sekaš drevesa za nove stvari?

Tale špil me je malo asociiral na MInecraft-preživetje, s tem da pri Minecraftu vsaj nekaj pametnega gradiš, napreduješ, se razvijaš, kaj ustvariš.
Tale špil me je zaenkrat mal razočaral, sploh ker mi je tematika blazno všeč. A ko bi vsaj malo poživil vse skupi. Nevarnosti zaenkrat sploh ni nobene (ni medvedov, kač,...), smisla razvoja in napredovanja pa tut ne.

Pač preživiš. In si čestitaš. Pf!

polpo ::

Pa nisi videl, da je igra že več kot eno leto v (pre) alpha, ali si mislil, da boš dobil polno delujočo igro?

Linko ::

in kakšna je kaj igra sedaj?

oo7 ::

The Forest - PSX 2017: Multiplayer Trailer

oo7 ::

Endnight Games announced that its open-world survival horror game, The Forest, will leave Early Access and will be fully released on April 30th. Players will enter a living, breathing world, where every tree and plant can be chopped down.

Igra izide 30 aprila.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::

Built on an initial budget of 125k The Forest has now sold over 5.3 million copies, making it one of the most successful independent game releases of all time.

The survival horror hit comes to PlayStation November 6. Priced at $19.99 USD.

oo7 ::

Kot kaže je igra Sons of the forest sequel igri The Forest.

locoloco ::

Igra je top shit,ampak bom popizdil zuaradi ene zadeve.,namrec zgradil sem si lok,lahko namerim,ne znam pa ustrelit/draw.Enostavno merim,brez da bi napel lok.Pa sem probal vse tipke.Hilfe nujno,hvala.

lonewolf_ ::

Puščice imaš? :)
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

locoloco ::

Ja mmam.Kako se naspana lok ali je to bug?

locoloco ::

Sem pogruntal za lok in puscice.Kaj za vraga pa potem delate ko si kaj zgradis..So kake misije? ALi nabij kanibale ponoci....

LeQuack ::

A to je horror igra ali building strategija?
Quack !

lonewolf_ ::


Building-survival s pridihom horrorja :)
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

oo7 ::

The Forest | HOW TO FIND THE KATANA | Updated Location

oo7 ::

Sons Of The Forest Trailer 2

oo7 ::

Sons Of The Forest je nadlajevanje igre Forest. Igra zide v Early Access jutri se pravi 23 februarja.

Sent to find a missing billionaire on a remote island, you find yourself in a cannibal-infested hellscape. Craft, build, and struggle to survive, alone or with friends, in this terrifying new open-world survival horror simulator.

Igra Sons of forest je trenutno najbolj zaželjena igra na Steamu - Sons of the Forest beat Starfield as the most wishlisted game on Steam

Sons of the Forest - Exclusive Multiplayer Trailer

Sons of the Forest Exclusive Hands-On Preview

V Sons of the forest če igraš single player imaš NPC pomagača.

BorutO ::

Rust mi je veliko boljša igra kot Forest. Zelo bi mi bilo ok, če bi tudi Rust imel opcijo, da bi se lahko boril z Zombiji. Recimo, sem kakšni dve leti nazaj pisal supportu, če bi lahko kdaj probali v igro dodati tudi kakšno verzijo zombijev, kjer bi tereni bili isti, le da bi notri bili zombiji, ki bi bili prijatelji z znanstveniki oz. AI igralci, med tem, ko se bi mi borili proti njim. Odgovor je bil, da nimajo v mislih pripeljati zombije v igro, da so baje ti znanstveniki čisto dovolj v igri.

oo7 ::

Sons of the Forest Sells 2 Million Copies in 24 Hours After Entering Early Access


DR0N ::

Kaj te igre so večno "Early Access" ?

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